Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Blakeley-Ruiz, J. Alfredo
Kleiner, Manuel
Considerations for constructing a protein sequence database for metaproteomics.
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal,
Vol. 20,
Issue. ,
Blakeley-Ruiz, J Alfredo
McClintock, Carlee S
Shrestha, Him K
Poudel, Suresh
Yang, Zamin K
Giannone, Richard J
Choo, James J
Podar, Mircea
Baghdoyan, Helen A
Lydic, Ralph
Hettich, Robert L
Morphine and high-fat diet differentially alter the gut microbiota composition and metabolic function in lean versus obese mice.
ISME Communications,
Vol. 2,
Issue. 1,
Target article
Microbiota-gut-brain research: A critical analysis
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Why a developmental cognitive neuroscience approach may be key for future-proofing microbiota-gut-brain research
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Author response
Causal clarity and deeper dimensions in microbiota-gut-brain research