We develop a model to describe the spreading of a reacting liquid which is injected
at a steady rate into a permeable rock. We focus on the case in which there is a
density difference between the host reservoir fluid and the injected liquid. We examine
reactions which lead to precipitation and a decrease in permeability or dissolution and
an increase in permeability. In both cases, we assume the reaction is rapid compared
to the speed of the flow. As the current spreads under gravity, we show that the
interface between the injected fluid and the original fluid and also the reaction front,
may be described by similarity solutions. The morphology of the two interfaces is
controlled by two parameters: the permeability ratio across the reaction front, k,
and the speed of the reaction front as a fraction of the interstitial speed, λ. For
a precipitation reaction, the reaction front lags some distance behind the leading
edge of the region occupied by the injected fluid, and tends to terminate in a sharp
vertical front. In contrast, for a dissolution reaction, the reaction front migrates as a
gravity-driven finger along the base of the formation. In the case of large changes in
permeability, kλ > 1, this finger advances to the front of the flow, whereas for smaller
increases in permeability, kλ < 1, the finger is overrun with injected fluid which has
already reacted and passed through the reaction front. We illustrate how these results
are affected if the density of the reacting fluid decreases across the reaction zone. In
the case of precipitation, small changes in density smooth out the leading edge of
the reaction front, whereas large changes in density lead to slumping of the reaction
front along the base of the current, and ultimately it extends to the nose of the flow.
For dissolution reactions, the decrease in density across the reaction front causes the
lateral extent of the finger to increase. As a result the critical value of the permeability
ratio, k, for which the reaction front reaches the nose of the current decreases.