Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Horn, Sarah R.
Charney, Dennis S.
Feder, Adriana
Understanding resilience: New approaches for preventing and treating PTSD.
Experimental Neurology,
Vol. 284,
Issue. ,
Feder, Adriana
Horn, Sarah R.
Haglund, Margaret
Southwick, Steven M.
Charney, Dennis S.
Charney & Nestler's Neurobiology of Mental Illness.
Horn, Sarah R.
Feder, Adriana
Understanding Resilience and Preventing and Treating PTSD.
Harvard Review of Psychiatry,
Vol. 26,
Issue. 3,
Doody, Colm B
Robertson, Lindsay
Uphoff, Noortje
Bogue, John
Egan, Jonathan
Sarma, Kiran M
Pre-deployment programmes for building resilience in military and frontline emergency service personnel.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
Stoddard, Frederick
Simon, Naomi
Pitman, Roger
The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry.
Feder, Adriana
Fred-Torres, Sharely
Southwick, Steven M.
Charney, Dennis S.
The Biology of Human Resilience: Opportunities for Enhancing Resilience Across the Life Span.
Biological Psychiatry,
Vol. 86,
Issue. 6,
Stoddard, Frederick
Simon, Naomi
Pitman, Roger
The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry.
Chi, Xinli
Becker, Benjamin
Yu, Qian
Willeit, Peter
Jiao, Can
Huang, Liuyue
Hossain, M. Mahhub
Grabovac, Igor
Yeung, Albert
Lin, Jingyuan
Veronese, Nicola
Wang, Jian
Zhou, Xinqi
Doig, Scott R.
Liu, Xiaofeng
Carvalho, Andre F.
Yang, Lin
Xiao, Tao
Zou, Liye
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Solmi, Marco
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Templeton, Sian
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Millican, Richard
Vare, Paul
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Robertson, Lindsay
Cox, Katie M
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Pre-deployment programmes for building resilience in military and frontline emergency service personnel.
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Predictors of stress in college students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Target article
A conceptual framework for the neurobiological study of resilience
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Author response
Advancing empirical resilience research