Poly(ethylene imine) (PEI) has been used as a dispersant for tape casting of SiC powders in aqueous media. The stability of SiC suspensions was studied and characterized in terms of zeta potential, sedimentation, adsorption, and rheology measurements. Zeta potential studies showed that the particle surface was negatively charged in the absence of PEI in the pH 2.5–13 ranges. Adsorptions of PEI increased the zeta potential and led to the shift of isoelectric point from pH 2.4 to pH 10.5. Sedimentation study showed that, in the absence of PEI, SiC slurries were stable around pH 6, while, in the presence of PEI, stabilization could be achieved at a condition of saturated adsorption (1.07 mg/m2) and was related to the high-;affinity adsorption in the pH = 10.5–11.5 range. The rheological measurements showed that SiC slurries (50 vol%) were well stability with slight thixotropical behavior. Finally, the best conditions to obtain a homogeneous stable slurry with high powder loading suitable for tap casting were determined.